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What is DryMasking and Which Treatments Are Best Suited?

Dry masking uses a mask that is physically dry (instead of wet with serum and other ingredients) to deliver the ingredients of your choice after treatments that leave skin irritated. Our masks, Maskād® Professional and At Home Post Procedure Face Masks are specifically designed to deliver topical ingredients as well as cool and calm skin following a facial aesthetic procedure. One great feature is that the masks conform to the face and allow your patients to become completely mobile after in-office treatments.   

The benefits of dry masking are:

  • It’s not wet, messy, or drippy
  • Ability to multi-task while using the mask
  • Additional ingredients can be placed onto the mask to deliver even more benefits
  • Some can be combined with topical serums
  • Some dry masks are used as a stand alone
  • Fewer ingredients; less filler ingredients and optimal results


Micro-needling involves pricking the skin of the face with tiny sterile needles, causing an injury to the area followed by a healing process – stimulating collagen and elastin. This method is used in treatment of acne, hair-loss, dark spots, pore size, scarring, stretch marks, and sun damage. Micro-needling leaves the face feeling red, hot and irritated. Once the procedure is finished, the face is desperate for cooling relief. Maskād provides this perfect relief with the three-layer design that is specifically designed to trap and release heat. 


Also known as Laser Skin Resurfacing, this treatment is meant to treat aging, acne or sun scars. Laser removes a layer of skin, of course leaving your patient red, hot, and irritated. As previously mentioned, Maskād traps the heat using the three-layer design. By leaving the mask on for five minutes and then removing the blue liner, all of the trapped heat will be removed, leaving your patient feeling cool and refreshed after an intense treatment.   


An abrasive instrument exfoliates the face to promote new cell generation. This leaves the skin in major need of soothing and cooling. Maskād provides instant cooling relief to the newly exfoliated or ablated skin using the three-layer system. 

All of these in-office treatments are designed to “injure” the skin with the intention of improvement. Maskād provides cooling and calming plus the benefits of any topical ingredients you like to pair with these treatments, like Maskād Hydrating Serum. The cooling sensation from the mask allows the skin to breath while promoting its healing. It also frees up your chair, making the patient instantly mobile after application, allow for its next patient to come into the chair.  


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